Ay Mujer! Technology, education and collaboration


Did you know that 1 in every 2 women in Mexico will have suffered some type of abuse by the time they reach adulthood? Or that one million teenage girls become pregnant each year? 

Mexico has a healthcare system that provides free family planning and a free well woman exam each year. Birth control is available, sex ed has become a part of gradeschool and middle school public education, yet the lives of women in this country have not changed nearly enough over the past few decades.

What is happening here? How can we fight against these numbers?

DGYG volunteers: Alison, Nancy and Meredith are all interested in these issues and want to be involved in an effort to improve the lives of young women in Mexico through access and education. They have teamed up with Katie Clancy in Guanajuato, GTO Mexico to develop an app geared to put these young ladies in the driver seat of their health, their sexuality and their lives. With the support of AppMakr, Ay Mujer! hopes to be all the basic health information women need answers about, right in the comfort (and privacy) of their own hands. It will also address rights, infringements of those rights and how to protect and defend them. A comprehensive map will be created to connect women to access to all the things they are in search of, ie. OBGYN, family planning, free birth control, STD testing, psychological and legal support for those in abusive situations. Lastly Ay Mujer! will have a private forum available to all members to share situations, ask and give advice to others.

Photo Above: DGYG volunteer, Nancy did a wonderful job presenting to the young women in Guanajuato, she is currently in Oaxaca planning the second focus group of moms.


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